Kaleidoscape is an immersive art ride located at Elitch Gardens in Denver, CO. It opened in spring of 2019, and included 7 local Denver artists.
Kaleidoscape is a collaboration between Meow Wolf- an arts and entertainment company based in Santa Fe, NM- Elitch Gardens amusement park in Denver, CO, and 7 local Denver artists. It opened in Spring 2019, and is a permanent addition to the park.
As visitors ride Kaleidoscape, they are taken through a cosmic creation of an alternative world. The landscape develops out of a cosmic egg, it begins to grow on itself, creatures pop up and then become sentient. The world becomes more and more populated and visually dense before collapsing back into simple forms and light. As artists, we were asked to create work that added to the narrative of the ride and texture of the world being created. I created two stand alone sculptures and one wall installation for this project. The sculptures are a large story telling plush vase, a pile of neon geometric shapes (also soft sculpture), and a wallpaper of fruits that begin as flat objects on the wall, slowly becoming more and more 3D--and sentient--until they are growing arms and legs and climbing up the walls.
Please note that some images are curtesy of Meow Wolf, and many of the images feature work created by other artists as well.