The Waiting Room
NP2G Artist Statement: The Waiting Room seeks to explore the anxieties that occur within the liminal space of waiting rooms. Intrinsically, waiting rooms are the modern limbo; time and actions are dictated by someone else, and the passage through is defined by one's ability to answer questions which minimize and homogenize identities. Although often associated with medical facilities, the concept of waiting rooms can be even more expansive-- a place where one simply waits. Waiting rooms are a space of expectation and “correct” answers, but how do these spaces feel to those who exist outside of standardized narratives? This installation explores the anxiety and fear of existing outside of the norm and furthermore, becoming disconnected from personal agency. The room appeals to a vaporwave aesthetic, drawing on early 2000’s digital art and a mash-up of obsolete and semi-obsolete technologies. Building on dystopian concepts of the past, the room reveals an enduring progression of sterile technologies that create dissonance between the space and the viewer.
Artists: Hayley Dixon & Renee Marino
Design, Production, and Fabrication: Hayley Dixon & Renee Marino
Sound Design: Justin Forthuber
Makeup Artist: Emily Hempstead
Nail Technician: Joy Martinez
Model: Rachel Daly
Installation in “No Place To Go”
No Place To Go, “The Waiting Room”
Photo Credit: Brien Hallowell
No Place To Go, “The Waiting Room”
Photo Credit: Brien Hallowell
No Place To Go, “The Waiting Room”
Photo Credit: Brien Hallowell
No Place To Go, “The Waiting Room”
Photo Credit: Brien Hallowell